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Loaves and fish


Do you remember that Bible story you heard as a kid? You know, that really cool one where Jesus yet again showed up and did the impossible? The one where He fed 5,000 people with a few small loaves of bread and a few tiny fish. I love this story, I love seeing how Jesus had such faith that His Father was going to come through, multiply and feed 5,000 people. I can one imagine what it was like for the disciples, I sure they had a “what the heck Jesus” moment, That one where they looked at Him and thought “sure…this is going to feed 5,000 people.”


I often times find myself in that place, the one where the Lord gives me a few loaves and fish and tells me to feed the crowd. I just want to laugh and say “this is a joke right?” Inside I am trying to figure out what plan B,C, and D are. The thing is, the Lord has one plan, thats plan A. Why do I so often think things are impossible for the creator or the universe?


Last week I was blessed to help lead a trip to Honduras. Six Guatemalans and two American got on an 18-hour bus ride to the beautiful city of La Ceiba. When Kelsey ( the other American) and I agreed to help out with this trip, the Lord gave a specific word that we were not to raise money from the American dollar, asking our supporters at home to help us out but instead we were to fundraise along side of our friends. That we would be sent off of the Quetzal, our group would be sent by Guatemalans, I really thought nothing of it until we were two weeks away from the trip and I had nothing, well most of us had nothing. So we set up fundraisers, after two weeks of fundraising we were just a few hours from leaving and only three of our eight people had the full amount of money. All I could think was “I’m probably not going.”


About 12 hours before leaving we went and bought our bus tickets, eight bus tickets, eight people going, including myself. All I could think is “ well, we might have to fast for a few days but we are going.” In my mind it was all impossible, how was this trip going to work with no money? What were we going to do?


We got to Honduras and served, we poured out and the Lord continued to fill us, to bless us. We would go to ministry and then be invited over to someone’s place for lunch, we went to church then someone would offer to cook us dinner. Blessing after blessing poured out. By the end of the trip I was stressed because we had so much money left over. Its amazing how just a few days before I thought we were going to fast the whole time because there was no way we had enough money and then I had to figure out what to do with what we still had. Oh and did I mention we as well received a donation from some people in Honduras.


Praise God He knew exactly what He was doing. The Lord opened up doors for us to be able to pour out blessings upon those around us. As we freely received we were freely able to give. What and amazing testimony that the loaves and fish are still a thing. I watched the Lord multiply the money, that money that we did not have enough of… He multiplied it. He provided, our Daddy took care of our group as He always takes care of His children. Who was I to think that the creator of the universe would not take care of me this time. Our God is alive and He takes care of His kids! P.R.A.I.S.E.