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25 Simply Beautiful Things

As I am getting ready to celebrate my 25th year of life tomorrow, I started to think about the things that I love. The small things in life that bring crazy amounts of joy, the things that if it’s been a rough day they make you feel better. Sometimes its about the little things in life, the things that remind you, even though today might be hard, there is still so much joy to be had. So in the spirit of turning 25, I created a list of 25 simply wonderful things, the things that bring me joy. Yes Jesus is as the top of the list, but that’s a given, so enjoy this list of crazy, beautiful, and wonderful simple things.

1) Flowers! All day everyday, no matter what mood I am in, flowers make it so much better. Its so crazy to think how beautiful and wonderful each flower is and the Father created each one of them. Wow!

2) The first rain after a long summer. The fresh smell just blows me away.

I am reminded of the refreshment the Lord constantly brings me.

3) Dancing. There is so much joy and life to be had in this. I have such a deep love for dancing… yes!

4) Playing Guitar. What a beautiful expression this is, its a time to be free and just sing my heart out. Grab my guitar and I am ready to live.

5) Going on a scenic hike. I love nature, I am always reminded of how creative the Lord is. Its like this beautiful piece of art… and I get to stand in the midst of it.

6) Waterfalls. Welcome to a peaceful time, yes please! Waterfalls are such a beautiful representation of peace. Just sitting there enjoy the sound of the rushing water hitting the rocks below is music to my ears.

7) Going on a walk without and agenda or a place to be. So often life gets busy, you move so quickly from one spot to the next, we miss the little things along the way. To just go for a walk and enjoy life around me is such a blessing.

8) Candles. I love looking at candles, it helps that they smell so wonderful too. I mean, what’s not to love, they are just wonderful!

9) Starry nights. Take a blanket outside and lay out under the stars… its magical. It’s a beautiful reminder of how big the Lord is, how He created things that I don’t even know about but He has taken time to get to know me. Yeah, that’s good!

10) Christmas lights. It’s like having a starry night in my house!

11) Quality time with the people I love. This is such a meaningful thing to me, I enjoying getting to spend time with the people close to me. It just fills me up.

12) A heavy rainstorm. Throw in a tin roof and I am set! The sound of the rain hitting the roof just creates something so beautiful and peaceful in me. Want to go for a walk with an umbrella and some rain boots? Oh what a beautiful adventure.

13) New adventures. Exploring new places is just exhilarating. Its wonderful, visiting new cultures, exploring new places, trying new things, all of that is so exciting.

14) Hammock time. There is just something about swinging in a hammock that makes everything seem right. Its almost like a swing set for adults. Although I still really like swing sets… I don’t know what that says about me, oh well.

15) Hand written letters. These are precious! I read and reread the notes I receive. They make you feel so special and thought about. Someone intentionally sat down and wrote you, makes me truly feel cared about.

16) People dropping by unexpectedly just to say hello. I have this silly dream of that happening often. Most people wont just stop by, but when they do it brings me so much joy. I feel thought about; it’s a nice feeling.

17) Fresh baked cookies. I am sure you can agree, there is just something so wonderful about the smell and the taste of home made cookies coming out of the oven.

18) Sparklers. Its like glitter meets fire. Something so beautiful and dangerous at the same time, life just needs sparklers.

19) Bubbles. I think if we all blew bubbles there would be world peace. Ok, maybe not, but how can you be unhappy when there are bubbles in the air? They just scream joy!

20) Gardens. Walking into a beautiful garden on a sunny afternoon is probably the most perfect thing. This one is a little harder to explain… but its just lovely.

21) The music of any well played stringed instrument. Violin, guitar, cello, harp, really anything, this amazing sound comes from these instruments that brings such beauty to a room. I could sit in that room all day long.

22) Going to the Theater. Whether performing or watching a show, the theater is the way to go. Its fun getting dressed up and heading to the theater for a wonderful work of art.

23) Going for a nice drive with the windows rolled down and the radio turned up. What better way to enjoy the day then going for a scenic drive with a great breath of fresh air and great music. Lights up my life.

24) Camping. Yep! I like tents, camp fires, making food over the fire, and lots of time to share stories. It’s all so amazing! Throw in some hiking and maybe a visit to a lake and now we are talking. A time to get away from the city, busy life, and a cell phone, it’s a place to go and just be, just be yourself and have intentional time with the people around you.

25) Lightning storms. This is in my opinion one of the most beautiful things to witness, little flashes of electricity bolting across the sky, you only see it for a split second and then its gone. You anxiously await the next one to strike. I love sitting outside and watching the power go through the night sky. Its just beautiful!


So there are 25 small and simple yet wonderful things that I love about life, things that bring me so much joy. No matter where the Lord takes me I know that some of these things will be there, some of these simply beautiful things.





  1. And a pinch for good luck (not #26, but not #25 either): YOU! You’re an inspiration to many and you shine, reflect Christ with your Beauty (inside and out), your heart for the Kingdom and the nations, and your uniqueness! You’re amazing and awesome and I’m proud to be a “Lionheart” with you always! 😀

    *Happy Happy Birthday!! Love and miss you Mangela!*

  2. Twenty-five years ago God delivered this precious, beautiful little Angel Girl into our family. She was my fussy baby, loved to chew on her sister’s Barbie dolls, climb over the pile of blocks – rather than around them much to her sister Amanda’s frustration. The word ‘no’ from her cousin Mkey could bring heartbroken tears, as could missing one problem on a math paper. Although, she would get frustrated with her younger (no longer ‘little’) brother, Aaron, but she loves him more than he knows and tries to encourage him to be more than he thinks he can. She has had a passion for drama, music, nature and art since she was little. She has a contagious joy for the Lord and loves to share Jesus with the nations. She brings a smile to the world, words of encouragement and love to the hurting. She is an amazing daughter, sister and friend to those who know her. I am blessed and honored that the Lord allowed me the privilege of being the mother of this beautiful woman of God. Angela, I am so proud of you and love you beyond measure. You truly are a treasure in my life. I love our conversations and visits; and am so thankful for the relationship we share. Angela, You are precious beyond words! Happy Birthday sweet Angel Girl!

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