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Hello, My name is Angela! 

I am a missionary in Guatemala, currently living in Antigua. I’m excited to share with you a little bit of my journey of how I got here.

The early years…

I went on my first missions trip when I was 14 year old, I went to South Dakota to an Native American reservation. This rocked my world. I could not believe the poverty I was seeing in the sates, I felt like I had slipped into a third world country. I saw things that broke my heart but felt helpless at the age of 14. When I was 17 my parents got divorced, this was really hard on me, I knew that life would never be the same but I had no Idea what the Lord would do through this event. At age 18 I felt the Lord calling me to Africa one night, I thought ” I must be going crazy”, there was no way I was going to Africa. So much had happened in the last year of my life that I could not possibly imagine going to Africa at that point. But the Lord was very persistent, So I finally said ” Lord if you want me there then you have to make a way, I’m not searching this out, make it fall into me lap”. The next sunday I go to church and they are doing signups to go to Ghana West Africa… Thanks Jesus.

To Africa and beyond…

At age 18 I got on my first flight ever, I went to Africa. This trip changed my life, it changed the way I thought, it changed my heart, it changed everything. The Lord wrecked me, then brought me to a deeper place with Him, and to wrap things up… He called me. He asked me to love His children, the children of the nations. He asked me to leave everything I thought life would be behind, pick up my cross, and follow Him where ever He called me to go. This brought me to tears. I could not believe that He would call broken little me to the nations, but He did, and He still is. Throughout my time in college I went on a trip to Guatemala and back to Ghana. Both of these trips showed the bitter sweet things about missions. As I was getting ready to wrap up my time in college, I knew that missions would be my life and I needed more training. Thats when I found out about The World Race.

My race, my race…

The world race is an 11 country, 11 month missions trip that will take you to the highest of highs, and the lowest of lows. On my race I spent thee months traveling Central America ( Telling people that I would probably never come back, five months in Asia, and three months in Africa. The race taught me so much about who I am created to be, who the Lord has called me to be, and some of my gifts and talents. To learn more about my race visit When a got home from the race I just could not go back to the 9-5 thing at starbucks, I had seen so much now I needed to apply what I learned and step up. I was presented with an opportunity to go to Georgia and check out the Adventures in Missions base.



A southern adventure…

I felt the Lord say Go to Georgia, take a season to learn. I thought I would be there a year, I ended up being there 2 1/2 years. During my time with Adventures I had a few different rolls. Logistics and set up for our short term missions, training up leaders, Leading missions trips all over the world, admissions representative for our sort term trips, interviewer, and much more. During my time at the office I learned so much about leadership and how the Lord has qualified me as a leader… say what? I was able to step out into new things, stepping out with boldness in many areas of my life. Living in Georgia totally had its ups and downs but it prepared me to be where I am today.



The Guate life…

My first time in Guatemala was in 2008, I thought I would never come back. Month one of my race, we came to Guatemala, I thought surly now I will never come back. Its not that I hated Guatemala, I had thoughts for a few years that I was going to move to Africa, the Lord showed me on my race that what I thought for my life was so small compared to what He has for me. When I started working at the office I kept getting sent to Central America on sort term trips, I was not quite sure what was happening. Then in February of 2013 the Lord brought me back to Guatemala. I started seeing this place in a new light, I began to fall in love. During that trip someone asked me if I wanted to stay, my spirit said “YES!!!” My mind said, “theres no way!” I came back again in October, then again in March of 2014. I had tried to move to Guatemala a few times and nothing seemed to work, so I gave up, I thought “this must not be for me anymore”. On my way home in March I just so happened to be on a flight with the founder of Adventures in missions and the Long term Director. Clint the Long term director asked me if I wanted to stay in Guatemala (we had talked about me going to guate for a while) I started to cry. I knew that Guatemala made me feel more at home then I had in a long time. I knew its where I needed to be…but how. Faith, thats right. Faith believing that the Lord would get me here. Its been a crazy time getting here but as I hopped on my sixth flight to Guatemala, I was flying on a one way ticket… to my new home.


I am currently in my second week here in Guatemala. I am still seeking the Lord in what my roll will be here. I am enrolled in language school trying to learn spanish. Mostly I have been spending time with the Lord and building relationships with the team here. I am so excited to see what the Lord has for this place, I have already seen the Lord move in so many ways in Guatemala that I am so excited for more.

I am still looking for monthly supporters to come along side of me in this journey. I am looking for 9 people willing to donate $100 over the next 12 months. Would you consider being a part of this crazy journey called life?


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