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She asked if she could receive him…

Sometimes I forget that there is literally ministry all around us, that Jesus has called us to love our neighbors, and that does not stop just because we have a busy schedule. We are called to love all the time, everywhere.

On Sunday I meet up with a friend at Central Park, as we were talking about ways to reach the youth of Guatemala, we started hearing some beautiful music. After pausing for a moment, we realized it was worship music, we looked over and saw a group of guys with guitars just worshiping the Lord. We both stood up and gravitated over that way and spent some time listening and worshiping. After a bit we went over and talked to one of the guys from the group, we found out they were all friends from different churches that decided to get together to worship the Lord and invite others into that.

After a while they started singing again and we joined in… why not hang out and worship the Lord? After a few moments I felt this tug on my arm. A short woman stood there softly speaking something. I leaned in to hear what she had to say, and thats when these words were spoken “I want to receive Jesus” for a moment I was shocked, this literally has never happened to me before, she just walked up and told me that she wanted Jesus… What?!?!

Moments later I was joined by my new friend, one of the musicians from the group we just meet, together we talked with this woman and prayed with her to receive Christ as her Savior. Through out the rest of the evening she would come up to me and ask if we could pray for other members of her family to receive Christ, we would pray together and she would go on her way again.

Some days I get so caught up in the tasks that I have to do that I forget that the reason I am here in Guatemala is for the people. The Lord has really been speaking to me the last few days that it is always about the person more than the program. Programs are great, but we have programs for reaching the people, in the end, its always about the person.

It was such a blessing and honor to pray with this amazing sister to be welcomed into the Kingdom. I was not planning to do “ministry” that day, but ministry happens when you say Yes to the Lord. I am thankful for little moments like these, its a beautiful picture of the Lords heart for His kids!



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